RespiRo provides a nurturing environment for individuals to explore healing practises in a transformative safe space. With a diverse range of workshops spanning shamanic bodywork, guided meditations, movement and exploration of healing techniques it is a holistic approach to healing and self-discovery. These workshop ceremonies include exploration and demonstration of conscious touch, (sensual) healing, massage and dearmouring techniques. Robert shares passionately the power of ritual, joy of ceremonial dance, wisdom of working with healing herbs and flowers, the playfulness of body paint and the magic of Totem animals. Different themes as Sacred Masculine or Empowered Feminine welcome either men only/ women only or mixed groups providing the exploration of rebalancing feminine and masculine energies. Rainbow warriors is a workshop theme that incorporates the Orixá Oxumaré, the rainbow spirit from Afro-Brazilian Umbanda tradition. This serpent deity represents the fluidity and harmony of female/male energies and works on transformation and sexology, this Orixá is symbolic for RespiRo Rituals. RespiRo’s global presence reflects its commitment to making healing accessible across different cities worldwide. Over the last years RespiRo presented workshops in London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Rotterdam, Krakov, Barcelona, Utrecht and Cologne. Coming up: Sao Paolo, Manchester and Zurich. As images speak stronger than words, a slide of photos is added on this page to give an impression what RespiRo Rituals is about.
A touch of Dearmouring
RespiRo presents a special closing ritual of 2024 with new bodywork material.
In the final weekend of the year we will come together to open a new circle of GTBQ men
ready to explore, exchange, heal, support and celebrate.
A weekend full of healing bodywork, focusing deeper on dearmouring, a profound healing
technique offering the opportunity to release old patterns, blockages, patterns and beliefs
that disconnect us from our true selves, allowing for deeper connection and authenticity
and to empower a balanced and healthy masculinity.
On the second day when our bodies are prepared and more open we will dive into the
healing sphere of Sacred Intimacy, exchanging an intimate and ritualistic safe space in
which you are invited to express your needs and desires.
A program with a variety of new ingredients: new bodywork techniques, new line of totem
animals and new series of Tensegrity (shamanic movement series).
We will sit and meditate, introspect and activate, heal and celebrate, prepare and be
inspired for the new 12 months to come.
All bodywork practises will be demonstrated, practised and exchanged, handouts will be
shared for possible practise at home.
A conscious closure of the year and an activation for an inspiring and successful 2025.
As always in the safe, magical and ritualistic environment that RespiRo offers,
surrounding you with beautiful altars, flowers, people, music and food.
Our Jamaican kitchen queen will bring her spices and colors to treat the inner body and
taste senses..
For all Queer resonating bodies that want to PARTY join us for new years eve with an
amazing team of hosts*, Lomi Lomi massage exchange, Cacao circle, fireplace, traditional
flower bath and RespiRo Teatro with (short) film screening, performance art, spoken word,
poetry, live dj set and much more! Dance your way into 2025!* Team RespiRo: Lyddia, Jim, Raouf & Robert.
Weekend workshop in Utrecht 1 day 160 euro
28/29 December from 10:30 till 18:00. 2 days 285 euro
New Year Celebration Rotterdam ( 85 euro) 3 days 360 euro
* option to join one day but biggest benefit: the whole ride 🙂
* for flexible rate please pm.
RespiRo Ritual
a workshop weekend of 2 individual rituals uniting the Queer brotherhood with the Sisterhood. The RespiRo tribe is happy and humbled to invite the Sacred Sisterhood and celebrate life, magic, healing and intimacy together 🙂
- Opening with the Serpent deity Oxumaré, representing the rainbow and Queer tribe. On this day we meditate on the color spectrum and feel into our needs and desires on an intimate level. We move and dance activating the primal chakras and invite Kundalini energy to spiral up to the heart enabling us to fully embody our beings and stand present and full of Prana.
RespiRo Circle
Rainbow warriors unite!
a ritual, a workshop, a feast!
June 6 20201 a new circle, a Sunday full of surprises..
Meditating on our Queer herstory,
Connecting through subtle, gentle healing touch,
Moving in a belly dance ritual > honoring and celebrating sacred sexuality
Festa da Pombagira > Dance your gypsy heritage!
Give and receive Sensual healing massage,
Flower healings, lots of red roses, champagne and cinnamon.. curious?
Come join RespiRo Circle for an explorational journey
Brotherhood is needed in challenging days,
let’s stand together and hold space,
feel eachother and embrace…
Healing Eros
A workshop that focusses on our common journey, our challenges as gay/queer men and on our powers to heal, balance, enlighten, activate and stand out. Through a customized guided meditation we connect to the different chakras and corresponding colors and qualities, experiencing a holistic glow of the rainbow Spirit Oxumaré.
Through bodywork and movement we will connect to ourselves and explore what needs attention, care, love and healing. Giving space and expression to these sensations to then gently flow into the connection with other men.
Together we will do several exercises, like holding, listening, caressing, erotic touching etc. to help each other process, accept and embrace our (sensual) being. Healing shame, insecurity, pain, addiction through the qualities of forgiveness, abundance, harmony, gratitude, love and joy.
It is our birthright to be free, to fully express our sexuality, to feel alive and sensual, to play and to celebrate our sacred sexual spirit.
United we stand as a tribe of rainbow-warriors. In this workshop we invite the Afro-Brasilian Orixá Oxumaré. This serpent deity is known for his healing qualities on sexuality and the balancing of fe-male energy. We will meditate, paint, sing and dance. The day starts with shamanic movement series Tensegrity from ancient Mexico, to creaty body awareness and turning the body on. Meditating on the qualities and healing aspects of several Queer deities from different cultural backgrounds, inviting their spirit into our hearts and consciousness. A magical journey connecting Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Aztec mythology. Inviting the 4 directions to open a ritualistic space in which we invoke our Queer Spirits and give bodily expression through the use of organic bodypaint. Become your own Totem, be inspired and color your brother ☺ With spirit-up, energy strong and flowing we will dive into the healing touch of the Sensual Healing, a treatment that is a true gift to the reciever and can be a healing experience for the healer as well. With conscious touch you will guide your partner into a deep, warm and safe journey, offering a powerful and Tantric experience. Together we will dance and celebrate the diversity of our II Spirit tribe, of our rainbow family honoring Pacha Mama, Madre Tierra.
Shamanic Eros
A workshop-ritual connecting body and spirit, exploring shamanic pathways in combination with spirited and sensual healing. Explore your inner shaman through the use of medicinal herbs, flowers, healing waters and smoke. Connect to spirit guides and energize the chakra-system through shamanic movement and bodywork. Experience a playful and magical jungle full of surprises, incorporate different Totem animals and work with their healing qualities. In this workshop I share my experience as a healer in spiritual, shamanic ceremonies. Together we focus on the shamanic touch of healing. You will receive herb-baths and explore and experiment how to work with different herbs to help clean and relax the energetic body. Especially for this workshop I created the Totem animal mediation, an active-guided meditation in which we connect to our Spirit guides, an inspiration for the rest of this day or for any project or challenge in life. A playful workshop in which we enter an enchanting forest where magic, intimacy, pleasure and healing takes place. A safe and playful space to invoke you inner healer. Key ingredient in RespiRo ritual is the Sensual healing, you will exchange this warm and healing touch with another brother while I guide you through it, creating a space to deeply enjoy loving care and attention and to dive deep into delicious sensations. Stand strong in Queer brotherhood with your rainbow tribe singing, praying, playing and dancing!
Tantric Touch
A one day workshop for men that are interested in exploring spiritual awareness in sexual contact, pleasure and intimacy.
This workshop emphasizes on channeling the Tantric energies throughout the whole body during an erotic massage. Through bodywork and meditation we will connect to our own sacred space after which we will encounter other men and share touch, healing and intimacy experiencing and enjoying our sensual capacities. We will practice simple breathing techniques that will help channel the intensity of a Tantric massage and spread this energy throughout the whole system to be able to experience a higher vibration of sacred sexuality.
The Tantric-touch massage will be demonstrated
and once you are partnered up you will be guided the whole session through.
In this workshop we will enter a conscious state of mind and create a connected sense of physical and spiritual awareness towards ourselves and to the rest of the group. A workshop to share interests, to experience the power of a group of sexual explorers and most importantly a day of celebrating life, warm intimacy, magic and fun!
RespiRo Ritual
A weekend workshops starting each day with a specific cleansing ritual in which you receive pure healing touch in a playful, powerful form. Experience a herbal car-wash and a beautiful bathing of the crown chakra, clearing, cleansing, bringing loving attention to the corona chakra.
Deepening our shamanic movement series, Tensegrity, rebalancing our physical and energetic bodies. These potent "magical passes" from ancient Mexico will bring you into the here and now, stimulating body awareness. To empower ourselves we invite and meditate with Totem animals, introducing a new line of Spirit guides that will inspire and touch hearts. Incorporating their healing powers to benefit the process of this weekend. Through exercise and demonstration you will find ways of connecting to your healing qualities, intuition and the healer within you. In the vibe of joy and enchantment we open the shamanic and sensual playground of Shamanic Eros, offering you the opportunity to explore, enjoy and put into practise what you have studied and embodied. As ritual requires we will pray, dance and sing, honouring our ancestors, creating space for inspiration, bliss and a harmonious connection. Calling the 4 directions we will explore our creative souls with the help of organic bodypaint, putting back our most stylish creations and adourning our fellow companions, inspired by Indiginous tribes worldwide. Creating our own Rainbow tribe, invoke II Spirit and dance, honouring PachaMama, Madre Tierra.
A touch of Sacred Intimacy
This weekend workshop reflects and recaptures all of the previous workshops. During the first day we will repeat different material of healing touch, including the Sensual Healing. On the second day participants are invited to create a customized session for the partner they couple up with.
Participants receive information, tools and skills to create a try out version of a Sacred Intimacy session. Experience what it is like to create a safe space in which Intimacy is the tool to helping the other open up, share, express and indulge in a semi-professional session.
Practise holding space and experience what is it like to serve and offer your qualities to anoher man. An important aspect of this work is how to protect yourself, how to keep ground and stay true to your own bounderies.
Besides sessions this weekend will be full of playful bodywork, meditations, demonstrations of healing and massage and lots of magic, colors and surprises.
RespiRo Touch on tour
A two day workshop in which elements of the previous workshops will be repeated and put into practice. Combining elements from the workshops Sensual healing, Shamanic Eros and healing Eros. A weekend with ritualistic work, home-made meditations, shamanic practices, exploring bodywork and of course connecting and healing touch exchange. Exploring your own healing capacities, the connection to yourself and others and developing skills for deepening intimacy in your life, or men .
We will come together in a healing circle of men in all its colors of all ages and backgrounds, sharing one mission : the celebration of diversity, of spirited intimacy and sacred sexuality, a tribe getting together to share, support, love and enjoy. Honoring our different cultures, pathways and spiritual backgrounds, all in a safe, warm, loving and respectful environment.
Respiro touch-workshops are based on conscious sexuality, touch with awareness, sacred ritual and the joyful expression of our physical existence.
Give yourself this special treat and surround yourself with like-minded men, reconnecting to your tribe, to your sacred spirit and experience standing strong together.
Respiro workshops are based on conscious intimacy, touch with awareness, sacred ritual and the joyful expression of your physical existence. An experience to surround yourself with like minded beings, reconnecting to your tribe, to your sacred spirit, standing strong together. An opportunity to open up, release, relax, receive, letting yourself be enchanted, nurtured and inspired! Come together to boost your systems, through harmony, spirit, creativity & love, expressing and sharing gratitude for the opportunities life is offering us…
Aho Axê Haux Haux